The Rising Pint was created by long-time friends Brett Hollander and Heather Schold out of a mutual love of craft beer, music and giving back.
Over 140 Craft Breweries represented and over 300 beers. 10-12 local restaurants and food trucks bringing great eats.

Our Team
Brett Hollander –
Beer Enthusiast and Marketing and Craft Beer Sales Manager at Hartford Distributors. You could say that beer is in his blood, working for family owned beer distribution company for years. Brett brings the music to the party as a huge jam band fan, he is always finding the next great band to provide our party vibe.
Together we make a hell of a good time and put together one of the most comprehensive fests in the state of Connecticut. Here the beer is what is important. We want to give people the all kinds of access to beers of all kinds. Because of the space we have we are able to cut down on lines so people are able to talk to reps and learn about the beers they are trying. Even if you aren’t a huge beer fan, chances are you will find something you like.